
Magnetic organic molecules, such as 3d transition metal phthalocyanines (TMPc), exhibit properties which make them promising candidates for future applications in magnetic data storage or spin-based data processing. Due to their small size, however, TMPc molecules are prone to quantum effects. For example, the interaction of uncompensated molecular spins with conduction electrons of the substrate may lead to the formation of a many-body singlet state, which gives rise to the so-called Kondo effect. Although the Kondo effect of TMPc molecules has been the object of several investigations, a consistent picture to describe under which conditions a Kondo state is formed is still missing. Here, we study the Kondo properties of MnPc on Ag(001) by means of the low-temperature scanning tunneling spectroscopy (LT-STS) measurements. Differential conductance dI/dU spectra reveal a zero-bias peak that is localized on the Mn ion site. Ab initio calculations combined with a many-body treatment of the multiorbital interaction show that the local Hund coupling favors the high-spin configuration on the 3d shell of the central TM atom. Therefore, each orbital gets close to its individual half-filling creating the necessary condition for many of the 3d orbitals to contribute to the observed Kondo resonance. This, however, happens only for the 3dz(2) orbital, whose hybridization to the substrate is much stronger than for the other orbitals thanks to its shape and its orientation.

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