
To our mind anthropologists deal with societies on the basis of ‘firsthand observation’ and this is one of the important keys to the empirical study. The present generation are very much reluctant in-depth study and which is only possible if and when the researcher himself / herself with direct and close interaction with the studied group and this is only possible when the researcher stay with the studied group in the village. The data presented here were the product of our intensive study with the tribal group/s of Bastar. Now, one can easily realize the basic difference between digital ethnography and traditional ethnography. Bastar is the homeland of number of tribal groups whose life and culture are nurtured in the forest environment and the habitation of each tribal group has a distinct enclave. The most primitive organizational system is supposed to be in communities are – communal control over land and where village are often shifted as per their need of cultivation (eg. especially among Abujh Maria). The means of production are treated communal but the material product of labour belongs to the family and several such attributes are discussed among various tribes of Bastar. Abolition of ghotul (youth dormitory) among the Muria tribe bring disaster; the young generation is in the wave of current market economy of the country and therefore, their all aspiration are towards materialistic world and they are considerably deviated from their traditional cultural value system of the society. To find out about man, you must go among them. There is no short-cut. It is perhaps the most important contribution anthropology has made to science and differs from other social sciences and journalistic approach in studying the society.

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