
Conducting interdisciplinary scientific seminars in the context of a continuous process of differentiation and integration of sciences, an increasing volume of scientific information requires new approaches to their organization. Traditional methods of holding scientific seminars limit the cumulative intellectual potential of the participants and leave the discussion unfinished in the discussion of the stated topics. The structure of scientific seminars, built on the basis of the dominance of the position of the speaker over the listeners, initially predetermines their unequal status as subjects of discussion. With an increase in the number of seminar participants, the management of an expert social discussion is reduced to form and regulations, which leads to communication barriers, in fact, endowing the majority of listeners with the status of “subjectlessness”. The authors of the article propose to look for other approaches to the management of interdisciplinary scientific seminars, based on the use of a polylogue procedure and the professional identification of each participant as an equal subject of communication. Management of the course of an expert social discussion in the format of a seminar in the identification and professional self-identification of participants is possible with the use of polylogue technologies of “multi-subject” interaction, including the use of process digitalization tools. In the “new abnormal reality”, the crisis of modern Russian science actualizes the development of new methodological tools and information and communication approaches for organizing expert and social discussion in the format of an interdisciplinary scientific seminar.

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