
In contrast to the results based on the examination of phonetic and/or morphosyntactic corpora, the dialectological and dialectometric analysis of the lexical data published in the Linguistic Atlas of Dolomitic Ladin and Neighbouring Dialects (ALD) does not confirm the common classification of the three parts of Ladinia (as understood in the sense of Ascoli). From a lexical point of view, only Northern Dolo­mitic Ladin and Romansh differ greatly from Italian, while the Southern Dolo­mitic and Friulian lexicons are closer to the standards of the national language. As far as inter-Ladin relations are concerned, the languages of the Dolomite Ladinia and the Canton of Graubünden can be seen as antagonists of Friulian (Karnic). From the point of view of Romansh, the greatest lexical distance exists in relation to Northern Dolomite Ladin (from the Badia and Gardena valleys), with which it shares only a third of the more than 2.000 lexical features examined.

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