
Relativistic quantum calculations at the CASSCF- and CCI-levels were performed on the Hg(SH)2, HgSH and HgS molecules. The relativistic effects were taken into account by a relativistic effective core potential method. Dissociation energies and optimal geometries were calculated for these three molecules, which are plausible atmospheric Hg compounds. The Hg(SH)2 and HgSH molecules (in the gaseous phase) have never been studied before, neither experimentally nor theoretically, i.e. the existence of these molecules are uncertain. The theoretical dissociation energies, De's, of Hg(SH)2 and HgSH (at the CCI-level) were 59 kcal·mol−1 and 3 kcal·mol−1, respectively, indicating that Hg(SH)2 could be stable in the atmosphere but probably not HgSH. The theoretical De of HgS differs very much from the experimental one, but the reason for this is not clear. The Hg-S distances for Hg(SH)2, HgSH and HgS were found to be 2.38, 2.63 and 2.30 A, respectively. The Hg-S-H angle in Hg(SH)2 was optimized to 93°. The excitation energies of Hg(SH)2, Hg(SH)2(H2O)4 and (HSHg)2S were calculated in order to see whether these species can absorb photons with wavelengths longer than 290 nm (the sunlight limit) and subsequently be photolyzed. The Hg(SH)2(H2O)4 complex is intended as a model for Hg(SH)2(aq). Photoreduction of Hg-sulfide species in sea water, yielding Hg0, could be an important source of Hg in the atmosphere. Excitation energies lower than the sunlight limit (4.3 eV≈290 nm) were found for Hg(SH)2 and Hg(SH)2(H2O)4, although the lowest spin and dipole allowed excitations probably lie slightly (0.2 to 0.3 eV) above this limit. Therefore a photodecomposition of Hg(SH)2(g) and Hg(SH)2(aq) by sunlight seems likely to occur.

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