
Space-time evolution of a relativistic electron beam driven wake-field in a cold, homogeneous plasma is studied using 1D-fluid simulation techniques. It is observed that the wake wave gradually evolves and eventually breaks, exhibiting sharp spikes in the density profile and sawtooth like features in the electric field profile [Bera et al., Phys. Plasmas 22, 073109 (2015)]. It is shown here that the excited wakefield is a longitudinal Akhiezer-Polovin mode [A. I. Akhiezer and R. V. Polovin, Sov. Phys. JETP 3, 696 (1956)] and its steepening (breaking) can be understood in terms of phase mixing of this mode, which arises because of relativistic mass variation effects. Further, the phase mixing time (breaking time) is studied as a function of beam density and beam velocity and is found to follow the well known scaling presented by Mukherjee and Sengupta [Phys. Plasmas 21, 112104 (2014)].

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