
<p><em></em><em>Surakarta is known as the center of Javanese culture with many traditions. On the<br />other hand, this city also brings modern Islamic movements including the movement<br />of the puritan group. The meeting of these two groups has created a unique relation<br />between the supporters of the tradition of Java with the puritan group who is against<br />such tradition. This research uses a qualitative approach that aims to reveal the<br />relation between the supporters of the Javanese tradition with puritan, transformation<br />of the traditionalist group to be a puritan, the adaptation strategies of the supporter<br />of Javanese tradition against puritan group who reject such tradition. This research<br />found that despite there is dissociative relationship in terms of diversity, it does not<br />lead to a direct physical conflict. Generally, the changing to be a puritan was affected<br />by social, educational and psychological process as well as rationalization of religious<br />tradition. The strategy of the supporters of Javanese tradition to confront the puritan<br />group is by performing Javanese tradition both in the palace and their private space.<br />They also conducted some activities hosted by a faith group in cooperation with a<br />traditional Islamic group.</em></p>


  • Surakarta is known as the center of Javanese culture with many traditions

  • This city brings modern Islamic movements including the movement of the puritan group

  • The meeting of these two groups has created a unique relation between the supporters of the tradition of Java with the puritan group who is against such tradition

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Kerangka Teoritik

Relasi sosial tercipta dari adanya interaksi sosial yang merupakan aspek dinamis dari kehidupan masyarakat. Gerakan ini menginginkan sistem kehidupan beragama Islam yang serba otentik dengan berpedoman pada sistem budaya yang berasal dari teks suci yaitu al-Quran dan Hadits (Sutiyono, 2010: 13). Kelompok puritan ini secara intens melakukan penolakan-penolakan terhadap masuknya unsurunsur yang dipandang dari luar Islam dalam hal keagamaan. Istilah sinkretis (syncretism) yang dimaknai sebagai percampuran antara dua tradisi atau lebih oleh karena masyarakat menerima suatu kepercayaan baru tetapi berusaha untuk tidak terjadi benturan dengan gagasan dan praktek budaya lama. Hal ini terlihat dalam banyak praktik keagamaan umat Islam di Jawa (Sutiyono, 2010: 15) Istilah sinkretis dalam hubungannya dengan puritan, menjadi berkonotasi negatif. Istilah puritan tetap dipergunakan untuk menunjukkan kelompok yang menolak dan tidak setuju pada tradisi-tradisi lokal dalam keagamaan. Kelompok tradisionalis harus menghadapi tekanan dari kelompok puritan tersebut dengan berbagai strategi adaptasi

Konteks Masyarakat Surakarta
Deskripsi Relasi
Transformasi Keagamaan Menuju Puritan
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