
This study aims to determine: (1) Whether there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and mathematics learning outcomes; (2) Whether there is a relationship between learning activities and mathematics learning outcomes; (3) Whether there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and learning activities with mathematics learning outcomes.
 The population in this study were all VII grade students of SMPN 14 Palangka Raya City in the 2018/2019 academic year consisting of 3 classes with 80 students with a sample of 76 students.. The results of the questionnaire of emotional intelligence and learning activities obtained as many as 30 valid statements. While the trial results of 30 test items obtained 25 valid test items. Normality test of emotional intelligence data obtained values , nce learning activities gained value , and test data on mathematics learning outcomes obtained grades , while the value in the table is . After values compared to value in the table, note that for all data are normally distributed. Thus, the tool used to test the first two hypotheses is the product moment correlation and the third multiple correlation. The results of the analysis of hypothesis testing with a sample of 76 students and a significant level , can be collected; (1) There is a significant positive relationship of emotional intelligence with mathematics learning outcomes with grades r = 0,41 and = 3,90 ? = 1.9908; (2) There is a significant positive relationship of learning activities with mathematics learning outcomes r = 0,546 serta = 5,61 ? = 1.9908; (3) There is a significant positive relationship between emotional intelligence and learning activities with learning outcomes in mathematics, values ??are obtained R = 0,59 dan = 20,467 ? .


  • This study aims to determine: (1) Whether there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and mathematics learning outcomes; (2) Whether

  • There is a relationship between learning activities and mathematics learning outcomes; (3) Whether there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and learning activities with mathematics learning outcomes

  • W. (2015), Hubungan Emotional Quotient (EQ) dan Intelligent Quotient (IQ) Dengan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas X MIA SMA Negeri 2 Palangka Raya

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Frekuensi Relatif

Berdasarkan tabel 1, dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa yang mempunyai skor kecerdasaan emosioanal dibawah rata-rata sebanyak 27 orang siswa atau (35,52%), dan yang mempunyai skor kecerdasaan emosional diatas rata-rata sebanyak 49 orang siswa atau (64,47%). Histogram dari distribusi frekuensi skor kecerdasaan emosional dapat dilihat pada gambar. Aktivitas Belajar Data yang terkumpul bahwa rentang skor Aktivitas belajar adalah 71 sampai 117. Data dikelompokkan diperoleh 8 kelas interval dengan panjang kelas 6, mean sebesar 95,81 dan simpangan baku sebesar 10,37. Distribusi frekuensi skor Aktivitas belajar siswa dapat dilihat pada tabel. (untuk perhitungan dapat dilihat pada lampiran 6b) Distribusi frekuensi skor Aktivitas belajar siswa dapat dilihat pada tabel. (untuk perhitungan dapat dilihat pada lampiran 6b)

Nilai Tengah
Kuadrat dengan membandingkan dengan
Pengujian Hipotesis Hubungan Aktivitas Belajar dengan Hasil Belajar Matematika
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan di SMP
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