
The effects of changes in the intensity of the suckling stimulus on the reflex release of oxytocin and prolactin were compared in urethane-anaesthetized lactating rats. Mothers which had previously suckled 12 pups (Group 1) showed a graded increase in the amount of oxytocin released during a 3 h suckling test when the number of pups applied to the nipples was increased from six to eight or ten. Mothers which had suckled six pups during their lactation (Group 2) appeared to show a maximum frequency of milk ejection whether six, eight or ten pups were applied to the nipples. The release of prolactin was not elicited from either Group 1 or Group 2 mothers when six pups were applied to their nipples. With eight pups suckling, the Group 1 mothers again showed no evidence of prolactin release. In contrast, the Group 2 mothers showed a significant increase in the level of prolactin in the plasma during the 3 h suckling test. With ten pups suckling the release of prolactin was evident in both groups of mothers, although the response was earlier and more pronounced in Group 2 than Group 1. These results suggest that in the urethane-anaesthetized rat, the threshold for the suckling-induced reflex release of oxytocin is distinct from the threshold for the release of prolactin and that these thresholds are, at least in part, set by the preceding suckling experience of the mothers. In those animals which showed both reflex milk ejection and prolactin release there was a linear relationship between the magnitude of the two endocrine responses.

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