
Relationships between thaw rate, thaw bath time, and initial bath and final seminal temperature with coefficients of determination .99 and .97 were: bath time = −.01 + 220.25(1/thaw rate); initial bath temperature = final seminal temperature−7.29 + 390.05(1/bath time).Ejaculates from 10 bulls were split and processed in egg yolk-citrate-glycerol, egg yolk-Tris-glycerol, and whole milk-glycerol. All semen was packaged and frozen in .5-ml French straws at −196°C. Sixteen thaw treatments consisted of factorial combinations of four final seminal temperatures and four thaw rates. Treatments were assessed by post-thaw acrosomal integrity after 3-h 37°C incubation.Seminal quality improved with increasing final seminal temperature up to 31°C and did not differ between 31 and 44°C for any of the extenders. A slow thaw rate (3°C/s) resulted in inferior quality for all extenders, and rates 11, 19, and 27°C/s resulted in similar quality for citrate and milk extended semen. Acrosomal integrity was most for 19°C/s in Tris extended semen. A significant factorial interaction existed for Tris and milk extended semen. Predicted acrosomal response of 57.7% across all extenders was at optimum final seminal temperature and thaw rate 37°C and 18°C/s. Bath temperature and bath time determine optimum thaw rate and final temperature of semen packaged in French straws and thus maximize seminal quality.

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