
Principal components, canonical correlation and regression analyses were used to examine the relation of Big Five markers to the EASI temperament scales (Study 1) and the Thurstone Temperament Schedule (Study 2). In Study 1 ( n =147) across all three types of analyses the results indicated that the EASI Sociability, Emotionality and Impulsivity scales appeared to be parallel to the Big Five Extraversion, Neuroticism and Conscientiousness scales, respectively. In Study 2 ( n =200) across all three types of analyses the Thurstone Reflective and Emotionally Stable scales appeared to be roughly parallel to the Big Five Openness and Neuroticism scales, respectively. All four of the remaining Thurstone scales measure Big Five Extraversion to some degree, but the Sociable and Dominant scales appear to be slightly purer measures Extraversion.

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