
The present study focuses on the affect generated by cognitive appraisals of work events in workers’ daily life. In this relationship, two moderators have been tested, relevance of the event and explanatory style. Seventy-three workers answered an attributional style questionnaire once (between-level data) and also a daily questionnaire (within-level data) about work events and affect for ten days (N=730 observations). Multilevel analysis results showed that the influence of moderators in the relationship of appraisal-affect is asymmetric for positive and negative affect. At within-level there is a moderation of the importance attributed to the event for negative affect, but not for positive affect. In the same line, but in an inter-level relationship, the explanatory style has a moderator effect for negative affect when the event is appraised as important. Nevertheless, such an influence is not found for positive affect. The study provides new elements for a multilevel study of third variables in the daily dynamics of appraisal and affect.

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