
This paper analyzes the role of temporary/permanent employment in the way employees respond to person-organization fit (P-O Fit) with organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs), and whether mindfulness redraws this relationship. Compared to permanent employees, temporary employees may have fewer future prospects in their organization, thus leading them to engage less in this type of behavior, the potential returns of which are typically unspecified in time and are likely beyond their temporary reach. However, the self-regulatory, present-moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance functions of mindfulness could reverse this relationship. Structural equation modeling using data from 280 employees of 10 Spanish hotels revealed that temporary (permanent) employees reacted to P-O Fit with lower (higher) OCBs, unless they were mindful, in which case their OCBs increased (decreased). The findings show that employment status and mindfulness redraw the P-O Fit - OCB relationship and that mindfulness makes temporary (permanent) employees respond to P-O Fit with increased (decreased) OCBs.

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