
D URING past several yearsS, there has been increasing concern about an apparent weakening of family as a strong, effectively functioning entity. This concern is shared by other countries across world, where industrialization and other benefits of Western culture are accompanied by a breakdown in family life. There have been many attempts to explain reasons for this situation which we will not try to explore, but it does behoove each of uls who hals a responsibility for wo,rking with families to ask whether our efforts contribute to, or threaten any a,spect of family security and strength. The importance of family, both a,s a social force and as basis for healthy personality development, is consistently stressed. We have swuing from r-igid routines in baby care to selfdemand fe,eding, from early toilet training to self-discipline, and have made many changes in our ideas of what is good for people. But at least intellectual acceptance of value of family has remained constant. Emphasis is, in general, on primary family with some recognition that it does not exist in a vacuum, but is a member of a commuunity. The-re, is less expressed recoggnition that this family is also a member of a family, and of a, social group from wlhichl it derives its identity. Relationships inherent in extended f amily have almost disappeared from segments of our population. In certain groups these broad family ties still exist and are important. And, for those of us who may have lost these close ties, there is often a sense that here we may have lost something of value. How often have we heard our mobile friends say wistfully that the family is so separated, a note of regret that there is, for their children, so little sense of family that reaches beyond typical Americani home? One of plausible explanations of cause of weakened family effectiveness is lack of roots in broader family relationships. What additional strains are placed oni parents wlhere support from and close identification with their own families are missing? What is lacking for a child who does not feel a close part of a family which reaches beyond his own household? If we can concede that these are important relationships to conserve and strengthen, we must consider part we play in strengthening or threatening these ties and, tlhereby, in affecting ability of family to meet its obligations successfully.

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