
The condition of the water supply and the actual functioning of the distribution network in Durres area are inadequate to sustain demand at an acceptable level of service for all the billing zones.The distribution network of Durres city is fed at one point (Xhafzotaj junction) for 300-350 l/s with an elevation of about 50 m asl. The planned new transmission line has a diameter of 700 mm and will bring extra 630 l/s.The water distribution systems are one of the vital urban infrastructures and their operationwith a high level of service are of high importance.Many phenomena in water supply systems such as leakage, breakage of pipes etc. are afunction of pressure. When pressure dependency of demand is considered in the hydraulicanalysis, the results thereof shall be consistent with reality.This article presents the new design methodology for a good optimization of the distribution network. The distribution network has been reconstructed as a ring network. It is planned to build 6 DMAas (District Metered Area) to control the flow, pressure and consumption in DMA to build the Water Balance.

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