
The relevance of the article lies in the fact that legal regulation is an important area in ensuring the information security of the bodies of the National Police of Ukraine. It is it that secures the legal status of the departmental information space, the legal status of the subjects of information legal relations and makes it possible to lawfully apply various forms and methods of ensuring information security in the police. Inappropriate legal regulation, which contains gaps and conflicts, violates human and civil rights and freedoms, or has an ambiguous interpretation - leads to problems in the law enforcement sphere. The article displays the main legal acts regulating the formation and use of information and databases in the bodies of the National Police of Ukraine. The emphasis is placed on domestic sources of legal regulation, which have been qualified and characterized by legal force. It was found that the Law of Ukraine "On Information Protection in Information and Telecommunication Systems" regulates relations in the field of information protection in information, telecommunication and information and telecommunication systems. The law clearly defines that the objects of protection in the system are the information processed in it, and the software that is designed to process this information. It was determined that by-laws and regulations are aimed at detailing certain provisions of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. They have a substantive direction and regulate a specific area of public relations or the direction of work of government bodies. To ensure the information security of the National Police, they play a key role, since they act as a mechanism for the implementation of legislative requirements. Here it is important to emphasize the importance of quality control over the departmental rule-making of public authorities in order to prevent the adoption of provisions that may contradict each other or even legislative acts.


  • The relevance of the article lies in the fact that legal regulation is an important area

  • that secures the legal status of the departmental information space

  • They have a substantive direction and regulate a specific area of public relations or the direction of work of government bodies

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Конституция Украины

show/254%D0%BA/96-%D0%B2%D1%80. 2. Решение Конституционного Суда Украины по делу по конституционному представлению Жашковского районного совета Черкасской области относительно официального толкования положений частей первой, второй статьи 32, частей второй, третьей статьи 34 2012. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/v002p710-12#n51.

Об основных принципах обеспечения кибербезопасности
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