
Planar cell polarity signaling controls a variety of polarized cell behaviors. In multiciliated Xenopus epidermal cells, recruitment of Dishevelled (Dvl) to the basal body and its localization to the center of the ciliary rootlet are required to correctly position the motile cilia. We now report that the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C) recognizes a D-box motif of Dvl and ubiquitylates Dvl on a highly conserved lysine residue. Inhibition of APC/C function by knockdown of the ANAPC2 subunit disrupts the polarity of motile cilia and alters the directionality of the fluid movement along the epidermis of the Xenopus embryo. Our results suggest that the APC/C activity enables cilia to correctly polarize in Xenopus epidermal cells.

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