Experimental studies carried out in the conditions of a laboratory rolling mill have determined the regularities of the processes of metal flow and roll-out defects of billets during deformation in roughing stands of a universal rail and structural mill. In relation to the box size and gauges types "lying trapeze" and "trapeze", we have determined a significant irregularity of drawing coefficients of the surface layers by roll length and width, as well as the irregularity of drawing in the cross-section of the roll during rolling. It is shown that during deformation the surface zones adjacent to the ends of the roll are subjected to the greatest drawing, and dependence of irregularity of the drawing coefficients over the cross-section of the roll on the shape of the deformation zone has a distinct power-law character. We have established a significant effect of the drawing coefficient, as well as the location and spatial orientation of the billet defects, while the geometric dimensions of the defects don't have such influence on their roll-out coefficients. According to the obtained data, the defects located on the rolling edges are rolled out most intensively both in depth and width, and the transverse defects are rolled out the least intensively. At the same time, the rollability of any defects increases with the growth of drawing coefficient. It is determined that near the side edges of the roll there is an increase in the width (disclosure) of transverse and inclined defects relative to the rolling axis, as well as the disclosure of defects occurs at the end sections of the roll in relation to longitudinal defects. For internal defects, it was found that, similar to surface defects, an increase in the drawing coefficient during rolling contributes to an increase in their roll-out, while the rollout coefficient of internal defects in absolute value is significantly lower than this indicator for surface defects. It was determined that the minimum roll-out coefficient of internal defects occurs when they are located in the core of the sample, while the roll-out coefficient of such defects increases linearly when moving towards the roll surface. The influence of the location, spatial orientation, and drawing coefficient on the rollability of surface and internal defects is generalized in the form of regression equations. It makes it possible to use them in practice to predict the quality of finished rolled metal when changing rolling modes.
Regularities of metal flow and defects transformation during rolling in roughing stands of a universal rail and structural mill
In relation to the box size and gauges types "lying trapeze" and "trapeze", we have determined a significant irregularity of drawing coefficients of the surface layers by roll length and width, as well as the irregularity of drawing in the cross-section of the roll during rolling
It is shown that during deformation the surface zones adjacent to the ends of the roll are subjected to the greatest drawing, and dependence of irregularity of the drawing coefficients over the cross-section of the roll on the shape of the deformation zone has a distinct power-law character
Проведенными в условиях лабораторного прокатного стана экспериментальными исследованиями определены закономерности процессов течения металла и выкатываемости дефектов заготовок при деформации в черновых клетях универсального рельсобалочного стана. Установлено значимое влияние на выкатываемость поверхностных дефектов коэффициента вытяжки, а также расположения и пространственной ориентации дефектов заготовок, при этом показано, что геометрические размеры дефектов не оказывают значимого влияния на коэффициенты их выкатываемости. Для внутренних дефектов установлено, что аналогично поверхностным дефектам увеличение коэффициента вытяжки при прокатке способствует повышению их выкатываемости, при этом коэффициент выкатываемости внутренних дефектов по абсолютной величине значительно ниже данного показателя для поверхностных дефектов. Пространственной ориентации и коэффициента вытяжки на выкатываемость поверхностных и внутренних дефектов обобщены в виде уравнений регрессии, что дает возможность их практического применения для прогнозирования качества готового металлопроката при изменении режимов прокатки. Исследования закономерностей течения металла и трансформации дефектов при прокатке в черновых клетях универсального рельсобалочного стана // Известия вузов.
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