
Prediction of client behavior and their feedback remains as a challenging task in today’s world for all the manufacturing companies. The companies are struggling to increase their profit and annual turnover due to the lack of exact prediction of customer like and dislike. This leads to the accomplishment of machine learning algorithms for the prediction of customer demands. This paper attempts to identify the important features of the wine data set extracted from UCI Machine learning repository for the prediction of customer segment. The important features are extracted for the various ensembling methods like Ada boost regressor, Ada boost classifier, Random forest regressor, Extra Trees Regressor, Gradient booster regressor. The extracted feature importance of each of the ensembling methods is then fitted with logistic regression to analyze the performance. The same extracted feature importance of each of the ensembling methods are subjected to feature scaling and then fitted with logistic regression to analyze the performance. The Performance analysis is done with the performance metric such as Mean Squared error (MSE), Mean Absolute error (MAE), R2 Score, Explained Variance Score (EVS) and Mean Squared Log Error (MSLE). Experimental results shows that after applying feature scaling, the feature importance extracted from the Extra Tree Regressor is found to be effective with the MSE of 0.04, MAE of 0.03, R2 Score of 94%, EVS of 0.9 and MSLE of 0.01 as compared to other ensembling methods.

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