
HIV/AIDS is the main cause of death in Uganda. Access to ARVs is therefore a vital component of the right to health. Human rights treaties oblige Uganda to implement the right to health progressively within the available resources. Uganda has undertaken measures to fight HIV/AIDS though prevention, education, and support for people living with HIV/AIDS. Uganda has also committed to providing free ARV drugs to people in need. However, these measures are being threatened by the introduction of trade-related intellectual property (IP) laws that risk limiting affordability and access to ARVs. Structural, economic, social and human factors like poverty, low GDP, malnutrition, shortage of medical personnel and equipment for diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS and corruption have hindered access to ARVs. Questions remain unclear as to which categories of persons are accorded priority of access to free treatment access. The result has been a regression on the right to health. East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights Vol. 14 (1) 2008: pp. 69-103

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