
This study was conducted in Udayapur district, Nepal. A questionnaire-basedsurvey with 100 household heads along with field visit and personal interactionwith the concerned farmers were conducted to gather required information. Datawere analyzed to compute rotational intensity (RI), crop diversity index (CDI),land utilization index (LUI), and yield efficiency (YE). Regression analyses weredone to reveal relationships among these traits. Bio-intensive farming system(BIFS) farmers were found to practice scientific crop rotation substantially morethan conventional farming system (CFS) farmers both in rice-based and maizebasedcropping systems. In this study, higher RI, CDI, LUI and YE were found insustainable bio-intensive farming system (BIFS) as compared to conventionalfarming system (CFS). The study has revealed strong positive relationship of RIwith CDI and LUI in BIFS, CFS and in general. Cropping system both in BIFS andCFS with scientific crop rotation that ensures higher CDI and LUI is recommendedfor increasing yield efficiency. Direct positive relationship among RI, CDI and LUIhas been revealed by this study as a rule; and has suggested to be used in validatingyield efficiency of optional farming system as compared to the mainstreamconventional farming system.

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