
Daily activity limitations of patients with neuromuscular disorders are measured by ACTIVLIM. The scale measures the ability to perform the daily activities, whatever the strategies involved to compensate for the upper and/or lower limbs impairments. ACTIVLIM has been validated for the assessment of adults between 16 and 80 years of age. The scale is available in French, Dutch and English and evaluates the functional independence of patients by their self-report (easy, difficult or impossible to perform each activity). The translation was authorized by one of the authors of the original scale. ACTIVLIM was translated and adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. Two proficient translators developed ACTIVLIM Brazilian Portuguese versions independently (translation 1 and translation 2). Then, a consensus was generated by both translators (translation consensus). After that, based on the translation consensus, two other translators developed two versions in English (back translation 1 and back translation 2). Another meeting established the consensual version of back translations in English (back translation consensus). This final version was compared with the original English version, to detect possible semantic differences. The final version was also revised by three physical therapists with experience in neuromuscular disorders. As suggested by one of the authors of the original scale, cultural adaptations were proposed by the Brazilian physical therapists. The items about the difficulty in ``taking a bath'' and ``stepping out of a bath tube'' were considered unsuitable, because Brazilians usually take a shower, instead of a bath (in a bath tub). These items were adapted to ``getting in a swimming pool'' and ``getting in the shower stall''. The final Brazilian Portuguese version of ACTIVLIM was considered feasible and will be tested with patients with neuromuscular diseases.

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