
The starting point of this paper was the observation that non-native speakers of German often have problems identifying the syntactical structure of discontinuous pronominal adverbs. This can lead to misunderstandings both in everyday communication and in translation. Based on an empirical study of the account of pronominal adverbs in contemporary German grammars on the one hand, and in German textbooks for foreign learners on the other, I will discuss the extent to which regional variation should play a role in the teaching of German as a foreign language. Besides simple pronominal adverbs, whose constituents are neither divided nor doubled, there are also variations where the adverb ( da, hier, wo ) and the preposition are discontinuous. A construction in which the original simple pronominal adverb is split into its two components is named ‘stranding construction’: Da halte ich nichts von . Furthermore, there are construction types, the so-called ‘doubling constructions’, in which the preposition is complemented to a full pronominal adverb by another da(r)-: Da halte ich nichts davon./Da davon halte ich nichts.

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