
The publication highlights the regional conditions for the implementation of paleotours, as the basic components of the structure of the complex route "Terra Podolica", the territory of Podolsk Transnistria. The main features of paleotours on the basis of territorial locations with the characteristic of technical aspects of their realization are revealed. Leading fossils have been identified that can become regional paleobrends and can be used as a means of promoting geotourism. The conditions for effective implementation of paleotours in the regional recreational complex of the Podolsk region are established. The analysis of efficiency of perspective formats of development of geotourism on the basis of regional conditions is carried out.
 The development of geotourism in the Podolsk region has strong prerequisites: resource base, tourist flow and developed tourist infrastructure. At the same time, among the specialized forms, only the speleological direction is actively developing. Other geotourism components are limited to mentions or brief demonstrations of individual objects during sightseeing tours. Popularization of the direction is just beginning, and geotourism products are in the state of development and experimental testing. In particular, the paleontological direction, which has examples of successful implementation of abstract implementation (for example: dinosaur parks without reference to the region), using the resource capabilities of Podillya effective formats can become branded. The main theoretical aspects to be addressed are: focusing on particularly interesting regional fossils that can be interpreted as values ​​and reveal through their prism geological history, features of modern landscapes and, if possible, regional cultural and economic phenomena, selection of effective forms of interactive interaction and development on their basis of competitive tourist products, formation and equipment of locations for realization of tourist products, popularization of the direction and interest in its realization of local economic, educational and nature protection subjects.
 In middle Transnistria, the valley and river landscapes change markedly from west to east (or vice versa). The main reason for this is the differences in lithological structure, emphasized by the shape of the slopes, the color of the rocks and the height distribution of plant tiers. This in turn affects the configuration of settlements, patterns of location of buildings, architectural composition of buildings, distribution of farmland. In combination with historical traditions, unique landscape and cultural entities are formed, promising for the organization of thematic tours.
 The visual change of geological deposits in the region is due to the lithological features of the structure, especially the Domezozoic tier. It is clearly visible in river valleys and weakly expressed in watersheds. In general, each large tributary of the Dniester corresponds to an "individual" lithological complex. Its features are preserved along the meridional extension of the watercourse with bright local manifestations in areas of tectonic activity. The effect of contrast occurs when laying a route across river valleys, when passing the watershed, the observer falls into another "landscape reality"
 Paleontological tours are considered by the authors focused on increasing the tourist attractiveness of the region, attracting untapped resources, optimizing tourist products within specific locations, developing innovative areas and forms of tourism and interaction with local economic systems of united territorial communities. The specifics of the organization of paleotours allows you to create a new economic niche with a staffing offer for specialists in natural specialties.
 Key words: geotourism, paleotours, Podolia¢/



  • Регіональні кмови організації геотурів у межах подільського регіону та території НПП «Подільські Товтри» висвітлювались у працях Чернюк Г.В, Вітвіцького Я.Й

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AS AN INTERACTIVE FORM OF LANDSCAPE KNOWLEDGE IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE GEOTURIST ROUTE «TERRA PODOLICA». У публікації висвітлені регіональні умови реалізації палеотурів, як базових компонентів структури комплексного маршруту «Тerra Podolica», території Подільского Придністер’я. Регіональні кмови організації геотурів у межах подільського регіону та території НПП «Подільські Товтри» висвітлювались у працях Чернюк Г.В, Вітвіцького Я.Й.

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