
This study of the occupational health law of the European Union looks first at the jurisdiction of the Union and the history and scope of its legislation in this area. The main body of the Article examines the level of protection that is afforded to the workforce under European Union law. The Article first considers the way in which assessment of risk is handled and then passes on to measures that are provided for both preventing and protecting against health risks. It notes the greater role given to protection. The Article also mentions the ancillary measures that are destined to make both prevention and protection effective. Finally, it looks at the Union's detailed provisions for worker involvement in occupational health matters and the more meager ones on employment rights and compensation. The Article ends with a discussion of the problems faced by the Union in enforcing its rules and an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Union's occupational health law. It is suggested that, overall, it deserves a positive judgment.

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