
Purpose: the purpose of the article is to study the features of regional development in terms of the need to take them into account in the formation of development strategies. The revealed features are the level of development, potential, geographical location, etc. These features are displayed in the strategy of formation of development projects in the region.Methods: the methodological basis for the formation of prospects for the development of the region is the methodology of program-target management to solve the problems of development of complex hierarchical systems. The main elements of this methodology are the basis for programming development processes in the space "forecast-strategy-program-project".Results: the results of the study are to determine the stages of programming the sequence of regional development, finding ways and conditions for the transition between the stages and intermediate goals of development, the formation and selection of development projects. To overcome the contradictions in the formation of the composition of the objectives of the development of projects in a hierarchical system: “macro level – the level of regions – the level of municipalities”, the top priority rule is used over the following. There is also the possibility of adding a lower level of own goals and projects, in accordance with the interests of a particular region and municipality. The task of project selection is one of the most important. Its importance lies not only in the required and available financial resources, but also in shaping the structure of the objective function of each region, adequate to the development goals. Fragments of the scheme of programming of development of the Astrakhan region are given.Conclusions and Relevance: the current external conditions for the development of the domestic economy dictate the need for the full use of domestic resources and the capabilities of the scientific and technological potential to ensure the competitiveness of Russia. This implies a critical attitude towards the development prospects, which are formed without taking into account the national interests of our country. The complexity of strategy formation is due to the hierarchical structure of the country's economy and the difference in interests in the system “macro level – meso level – micro level”. The basis of the proposed approach to development programming is the formation of strategic forecasts. The authors proposed a sequence of actions for programming the formation and selection of development projects at the regional level, as well as a possible list of promising development goals for the region. The analysis of the peculiarities of the development of the regions showed their considerable heterogeneity, which is important to take into account when forming promising strategies. The proposed scheme for the formation of regional development strategies and the mathematical model of project selection are illustrated by the example of one of the municipalities of the Astrakhan region.


  • The authors declares no Conflict of Interest, including those related to the financial support of the Grant of the Russian Science Foundation

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Характерные особенности развития регионов

Многие экономисты считают наиболее важным индикатором развития российской экономики уровень ее инновационности, как основы перехода к экономике знаний. Успешность развития региона, характеризуемая удельными доходами валового регионального продукта на душу населения, не для всех регионов совпадает с уровнем их инновационного развития. В регионах с умеренной инновационной активностью, осваивающих в основном созданные в других регионах передовые производственные технологии, также лидирует число используемых передовых производственных технологий по степени влияния на выпуск инновационной продукции в регионе, а затем следует число аспирантов на 1000 населения. Поэтому уровень прогрессивности региона следовало бы определять с учетом двух показателей: 1) уровня прогрессивности используемых технологий и 2) доли инновационной продукции, выпускаемой регионом. Результаты нормативно-целевого и эволюционного подходов сопоставляются в том смысле, что прогнозные оценки развития региона, полученные на основе моделей прогнозирования регионального развития, должны подтверждаться оценками нормативно-целевого подхода. Федеральные цели должны дополняться собственными целями развития региона и целями развития муниципальных образований региона

Выбор проектов развития регионов
Программирование формирования стратегий развития Астраханской области
Производство биг-бэгов
15. Инновационная экономика
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