
The purpose of this study was to compare diabetes psychosocial comorbidities among adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D) across the United States during the onset of COVID-19 pandemic. Adults with T1D from 4 main US geographic regions including South (n = 367), West (n = 234), Northeast (n = 250), and Midwest (n = 247) completed a cross-sectional online survey between April and June 2020. Data collection was done on psychosocial measures, glycemic variability, sociodemographic characteristics, and various challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Chi-square, Fisher's exact, Kruskal-Wallis tests, ordinary least squares, proportional odds, and ordinal logistic regression methods were used for data analysis. In the South, 51.2% of participants had moderate to high levels of diabetes distress, and this was significantly (P = .03) higher than other regions. Northeast region had the lowest prevalence of moderate to severe diabetes burnout (19.8%), but this was not significantly different compared to the other regions. Participants in the South had also the highest mean score on the 8-item Patient Health Questionnaire, with 30.3% of them reporting moderate to severe depressive symptoms. However, there were no significant differences in depressive symptoms among the regions. Glycemic control, demographic characteristics, and COVID-19-related challenges were associated with different psychosocial comorbidities in different regions. When providing information and support to individuals with diabetes in time of crisis like the COVID pandemic, providers should consider psychosocial aspects of diabetes care. Diabetes disparities and contextual factors vary geographically in the United States; these factors may impact the psychosocial comorbidities of diabetes in each region.

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