
***Refugiados hoje: superfluidade e humanitarismo***Este artigo discute algumas questões relativas à abordagem humanitária para “resolver” a chamada crise dos refugiados na Europa no Outono de 2015, quando milhares de refugiados partiram em jornada rumo à UE, a maioria deles para a Alemanha, pela chamada rota migratória dos Balcãs. Quando alguns Estados europeus, como a Eslovênia, começaram a colocar cercas de arame farpado nas suas fronteiras meridionais, os outros retomaram o controle de suas fronteiras internas da UE e quase todos introduziram mais restrições às leis existentes para a proteção internacional de refugiados e asilados. Ao abordar a questão do que é o elemento central do “problema dos refugiados” de hoje, o principal argumento se baseia no conceito de supérfluo de Hannah Arendt como a característica-chave da nova forma de governo global. Há dois lados do fenômeno da superfluidade que são cruciais para entender a situação na qual nos encontramos em relação às assim chamadas “migrações em massa”, o problema de “refugiados”: os “migrantes” e “nós”. Independentemente da necessidade de uma dose de humanitarismo nesses momentos, o foco na “solução” humanitária do problema esconde a questão-chave: como proporcionar, o quanto antes e em longo prazo, que os excluídos das unidades políticas e da lei sejam incluídos (tenham o direito a ter direitos) em uma comunidade política?


  • It seems as if the key reason for the recent waves of refugees and the European problem relating to this issue can be found in war, especially the war in Syria and its neighbouring states

  • Of the 11.8 million displaced persons from Syria, six percent had come to Europe by November 2015 (AL JAZEERA INTERNATIONAL, 2015), while the majority had sought refuge in nearby countries, in Yemen, Lebanon and Turkey

  • The situation we have found ourselves in shows us with blinding clarity the lesson from the 20th century that keeps repeating in the 21st century: without the protection of the state, without belonging to a political community that can protect human rights, these rights become mere spectres – even if they are protected by an international institution or court, they have to be implemented by a state

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It seems as if the key reason for the recent waves of refugees and the European problem relating to this issue can be found in war, especially the war in Syria and its neighbouring states. If the “refugee crisis”, considered as a “humanitarian crisis”, can draw our attention to anything, it is the following: the emergence of such a great number of people, whose human capacities are superfluous, is evidence of the actual state of the new global world and of the fact that the problems of refugees will not be solved as long as they remain without any status, or any country willing to accept them. Mujo’s logic clearly shows the problematic position of those leftists who think that states need to be abolished instead of created and made to fulfil their function in the sense of them being political communities which are supposed to provide people with the framework for a good life: for the flow of capital and information, and for the elites in the global economy, states can be superfluous, but for a refugee, they mean “everything” (HUFER and FALGUNI, 2015). I had no specific country in mind” (cited after CRAWELY et al 2016, p. 7)

15. Social Engineering
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