
The author attempts to explore the process of the reforming of children's choreographic education in Kirovohrad region in the 80-s of the twentieth century in this article. Choreographic education in the mentioned period was getting the features of continuous education. Starting from pre-school educational establishments, which had become the basis for harmonious development of a child, choreographic education was directed towards aesthetic upbringing of young people as well as universal values at all stages of learning. Thanks to public support functioning artistic groups worked effectively and new dance groups on the basis of secondary schools, palaces of pioneers and schoolchildren, enterprises, rural, urban and district houses of culture were created. Significant shifts occurred in the system of out-of-school education. Teachers-researchers focused their attention on the developing of new methods of cultural and educational work in out-of-school establishments, the events which were aimed at the improving of physical and psychological health of children, formation of the interest to the training in dance groups were especially important. Creation of creative children's associations, clubs, groups of the choreographic direction on the basis of the Kirovohrad regional Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren was not an exception in the system of art and aesthetic education of schoolchildren.The development of choreographic education in Kirovohrad region is demonstrated in the creation of new children's dance groups. The participation of children in the work of choreographic groups was directed at the goals gaining, namely: aesthetic education by means of choreographic art, expanding of the worldview and formation of moral qualities of a personality (collectivism, responsibility, friendship, sociability etc.). Despite the situation in the country, choreographic collectives, groups and ensembles of Kirovohrad region continued to popularize Ukrainian traditions, culture, and history of its people by means of choreographic art, to store and pass on the Ukrainian national heritage to the younger generation. The concept of «mentoring» emerged and consolidated in Kirovohrad region. In the 1980-s experienced managers of the best and most successful choreographic collectives shared their experience with young colleagues, provided consulting, gave creative tips.

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