
Background and Purpose. This case report presents the perspective of a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree student on the qualitative value of a short-term international immersion experience. The need for culturally competent practitioners in a society of growing diversity is evident. Activities in low-resourced, international locations during entry-level training increase cultural competence and broaden perspectives. Very little has been published from a student’s perspective on an international experience. Therefore, this case report provides one such vantage with comparisons to the methods and findings from other authors. Case Description. The student used an ethnographic approach to gather data from an immersion experience in the Republic of Suriname. Data resulted from formal classroom learning with host students, observation of physical therapy practice in several settings, formal and informal social gatherings, visits to important local sites, and participation in a wellness dance program for seniors. Information was extracted through student observation, reflective journaling, artifact collection, faculty-guided feedback sessions, and emotional recall. Major themes were identified by prevalence and compared to relevant literature. Outcomes. After immersion, both personal and professional growth were noted with the following themes: (1) genuine warmth of hosts, (2) similarities between the practice of physical therapy in Suriname and the United States (US), (3) ease of acknowledging, accepting, and talking about diversity, and (4) enhanced appreciation for the value of a US education. Discussion and Conclusion. Identified themes were similar to those reported by other authors. This student perspective adds to the international immersion literature and strengthens the potential support for programs considering international integration.

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