
I count it a special honour and a singular privilege to be asked to write an essay on the life and contribution of this esteemed honourable son of the soil, the revered, Rev. Ernest Nkatazo Baartman—a personal intimate friend, brother and spiritual guide. Writing an essay on our esteemed leader, mentor, teacher, prophet and a fearless fighter, the Honourable Reverend Ernest Nkatazo Baartman was not easy as no amount of words can fully capture and describe who he was—his leadership contribution, work and witness in Church and society, what he means to most people who have been touched by his personality and Ministry—Yingwe emabala bala (“multi-talented’’). The aim of this essay is to briefly capture the life, Ministry, leadership and contribution of Baartman in Church and society, locating that narrative in the socio-political context in which his Ministry and personality found roots and blossomed.

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