
The Sexenio Democrático (1868—1874) is one of the most eventful periods in the history of Spain in the 19th century. It was a time of ideological conflicts, civil wars, the First Spanish Republic and etc. All these events were actively discussed in the pages of the Spanish press, which thrived after the Glorious Revolution of 1868. Satirical press became an important means of communication, through which information about political, economic, and social changes was conveyed in a humorous and ironic form. Republicans, leading the ideological struggle, utilized expressive imagery in their activities. This article analyzes the visual language of the magazine La Flaca and its heteronyms: La Carcajada, La Madeja Politica, El Lio and La Madeja which had a significant influence on the Republican political culture. Specific topics such as the depiction of right and left-wing political figures, candidates for the Spanish throne, the church, Carlists, and cantonal uprisings the main opponents of the Republicans are examined in this study.

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