
Relevance: the transformations and integration processes taking place in the modern world are undoubtedly reflected in the leisure preferences of society, in the understanding of leisure itself, in the change in the socio-cultural situation in the sphere of leisure. Leisure for young people is one of the primary values, which gives them the opportunity to develop, realize, satisfy certain needs. Understanding of leisure, its role in the formation of personality and significance in society is a prerequisite for understanding the modern sociocultural situation.
 Purpose and methods of research: to determine the meaningful characteristics of leisure and leisure preferences of young people in modern society. To achieve this goal, we carried out a theoretical analysis of literary sources, which allows us to define leisure as one of the key values of human life, to identify its meaningful elements. The empirical block of work is presented by sociological research, which allows to determine the understanding of “leisure” and leisure preferences of modern youth.
 Results. The results obtained in the course of the study give us the opportunity to conclude that in the modern world there is a certain reassessment of the value of leisure as a philosophical and cultural category in the life of society. Leisure is changing its orientations, transforming from relaxation to the possibility of self-realization and self-development of one’s creative and intellectual potential.
 Scope of the results. The results obtained in the course of the research can be taken into account and applied within the framework of educational work in educational institutions, as well as in cultural institutions for organizing relevant events and festive programs.

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