
The subject of this research is conifer growth model based on time-series of annual rings width. The article addresses processing of data and model update in respect of forest dendrology. The purpose of study is to update the conifer growth model due to expansion of time-series of tree-rings width in regards to conifer forests in Western Siberia. The method represents expansion of time-series due to the fact that some growth phases had not been taken into account. When measurements were taken at the height of 1.3 meters, the following phases were not considered: seedling, juvenile, immature and beginning of virginile phase. The authors carried out examination of a number of scans and core samples, as well as time-series received by other scientists and which are contained in the International Tree-Ring Data Bank. Based on the results of field studies, the authors recommend to add some zeroes to the beginning of time-series within the range of 10-15 years for pine-trees in the south of Western Siberia, depending on growth conditions; the range of 15-30 years in the north for larch-trees and pine-trees depending on soil and climate conditions and latitude. The sequence of data pre-processing operations for time-series, received by means of core sampling, is as follows: averaging out of radius gain in 2 (3) mutually perpendicular directions for one specimen, graphing of radius gain curve, adding to the beginning of time-series, its normalization, approximation by specified growth function. It is possible to build area growth function for the scans. For averaging out a group of model trees, the sequence of operations is as follows: synchronization of time-series by cross-correlation method, approximation by specified growth function. Methods and results of studies can be applied in forest sectors and oil and gas industries for monitoring of forest health conditions. The proposed method of curve growth model update will allow to define more precisely time intervals for efficient forest exploitation as well as to reconstruct digital models of conifer populations in the north of Western Siberia.


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  • П. Кривые хода роста и прироста хвойных деревьев на севере Западной Сибири // Вестник ТюмГУ

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Россия, solovyev@ikz.ru; Говорков Денис Александрович, SPIN-код: 3687-5960, канд. Авторы в своих исследованиях ранее предлагали при обработке временных рядов на основе древесно-кольцевых хронологий (ДКХ) определять границы фаз ювенильной, виргинильной и генеративной по критерию равенства нулю второй и третьей производных кривой роста вида r(t) Что определение указанных границ, особенно первой, и определение постоянных a и c в значительной степени зависит от обработки данных начала временных рядов на основе ДКХ, и при получении усредненных временных рядов одного дерева во взаимно-перпендикулярных направлениях и нескольких модельных деревьев в своем возрастном классе.

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