
The article analyzes the function of “reference” - intertextual references and their role in creating a holistic cycle of fantasy stories and presents the diverse views of the scientific community on the terminological affiliation of references. It is hypothesized that references as a kind of intertextual elements perform the function of vocations between the works of one author, in particular, the article shows the classification of kinds of references in the stories of Nicki Callen. It is shown that references are elements of internal intertextuality, but they are not simple references to another text, but increase the share of "reality" of a work with repeated onyms to denote "through" characters, locations, artifacts that intertwine with each other. and resonate. 
 It is argued that the use of references contributes to the creation of multiple worlds that are part of a single Multiverse, depicted by the author. It is shown that certified references make it possible to create a communicative situation in which fiction is combined with the existing reality of the reader, which brings a possible, parallel world to "ours". They are recognizable and saturated with the energy of intertextuality, a kind of information hubs - distributors of information, by analogy with computer technology. Identity is determined by onyms: Nicki Callen's poetonyms, combined with real for the reader anthroponyms, horonyms, astonyms, etc., as well as with precedent phenomena - artionyms (names of works of art) and anthroponyms - precedent names. The change in the level of "reality" determines the transition of onyms from one category to another: an anthroponym becomes a poetonym or a mythonym, a choronym from a fictional, a fairy-tale becomes real (eg, Menillen).
 Further research into fantasy works, in particular by Nicki Cullen, with a distinction between "parallel worlds" and "multiple worlds", is promising. To the parallel we belong exactly those that fit the heretical concept: one plot with many points of branching options, to multiple - different worlds.

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