
The F–(Ba–Pb–Zn) ore deposits of the Zaghouan District, located in NE Tunisia, occur as open space fillings or stratabound orebodies, hosted in Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary layers. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns may be split into three groups: (i) “Normal marine” patterns characterizing the wallrock carbonates; (ii) light REE (LREE) enriched (slide-shaped) patterns with respect to heavy REE (HREE), with small negative Ce and Eu anomalies, characteristic of the early ore stages; (iii) Bell-shaped REE patterns displaying LREE depletion, as well as weak negative Ce and Eu anomalies, characterizing residual fluids of subsequent stages. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707654–0.708127±8), show that the Sr of the epigenetic carbonates (dolomite, calcite) and ore minerals (fluorite, celestite) are more radiogenic than those of the country (Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, lower Miocene) sedimentary rocks. The uniformity of this ratio, throughout the District, provides evidence for the isotopic homogeneity and, consequently, the identity of the source of the mineralizing fluids. This signature strongly suggests that the radiogenic Sr is carried by Upper Paleozoic basinal fluids.The δ34S values of barite, associated to mineralizations, are close to those of the Triassic sea water (17‰). The δ34S values of sulfide minerals range from −13.6‰ to +11.4‰, suggesting two sulfur-reduced end members (BSR/TSR) with a dominant BSR process.Taking account of the homogeneity in the Pb-isotope composition of galenas (18.833–18.954±0.001, 15.679–15.700±0.001 and 38.690–38.880±0.004, for the 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios respectively), a single upper crustal source for base-metals is accepted. The Late Paleozoic basement seems to be the more plausible source for F–Pb–Zn concentrated in the deposits. The genesis of the Zaghouan District ore deposits is considered as the result of the Zaghouan Fault reactivation during the Late Miocene period.

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