
Primary metabolism provides energy for growth and development as well as secondary metabolites for diverse environmental responses. Here we describe an unexpected consequence of disruption of a glycolytic enzyme enolase named LOW EXPRESSION OF OSMOTICALLY RESPONSIVE GENE 2 (LOS2) in causing constitutive defense responses or autoimmunity in Arabidopsis thaliana. The autoimmunity in the los2 mutant is accompanied by a higher expression of about one-quarter of intracellular immune receptor nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) genes in the genome and is partially dependent on one of these NLR genes. The LOS2 gene was hypothesized to produce an alternatively translated protein c-Myc Binding Protein (MBP-1) that functions as a transcriptional repressor. Complementation tests show that LOS2 executes its function in growth and immunity regulation through the canonical enolase activity but not the production of MBP-1. In addition, the autoimmunity in the los2 mutants leads to a higher accumulation of sugars and organic acids and a depletion of glycolytic metabolites. These findings indicate that LOS2 does not exert its function in immune responses through an alternatively translated protein MBP-1. Rather, they show that a perturbation of glycolysis from the reduction of the enolase activity results in activation of NLR-involved immune responses which further influences primary metabolism and plant growth, highlighting the complex interaction between primary metabolism and plant immunity.

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