
In our research, we explored a novel and eco-friendly method of utilizing argon ion beam irradiation to thin down graphene oxide (GO) films on glass substrates, aiming to enhance their mechanical, electrical, and optical properties. By employing high-energy argon ions, we developed a groundbreaking, environmentally conscious technique that not only permits micro-patterning directly on GO films but also facilitates concurrent material characterization. Varying the energy levels (1000, 2000, and 3000 eV) and exposure times (0 to 80 s, in 20-second increments), we meticulously examined the impact on carbon and oxygen atomic ratios of the GO using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) for in-depth analysis. Our findings revealed that increasing the argon ion beam energy to 2000 eV and extending the irradiation time significantly reduced oxygen content while increasing the carbon atomic ratio, indicating effective GO surface reduction. However, further increasing the energy to 3000 eV resulted in a slight increase in oxygen content and a decrease in the carbon atomic ratio compared to the energy 2000 eV, suggesting a decrease in reduction efficacy. This method's simplicity, eco-friendliness, and precision mark a significant advancement over traditional chemical reduction methods, offering a solid understanding of high-energy argon ion beam irradiation's effectiveness in GO reduction. Our comprehensive analysis, including survey and high-resolution C 1s and O 1s XPS spectra, highlights the surface chemistry modifications induced by this treatment, demonstrating the versatility of argon ion beam irradiation in producing reduced graphene oxide (rGO) for various applications.

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