
Drug treatment of limb frostbite injuries is complicated due to the poor delivery of medications to affected tissues. External rewarming of the frostbitten area is risky and does not always result in positive outcomes because the dilatation of superficial vessels with constricted deep vessels can lead to irreversible damage, necrosis, and amputation. One of the techniques to restore perfusion of deep vessels in an affected extremity is rewarming with low-power microwave radiation in a specially designed metal chamber. Below are findings following treatment of 14 volunteers with this technique in 2 Tomsk hospitals during winters of 2018–2021. It is demonstrated that timely, i.e. in the early reactive period, application of microwave radiation and appropriate supportive drug treatment results in positive amputation-free outcomes. The key requirement is prompt thermal insulation of the trauma and no prior exposure to external heat sources.

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