
Science learning is closely related to scientific concepts. A misconception is the most important aspect in science learning activities. Cognitive conflict is a condition where there is a mismatch between the cognitive structures that a person has with information that has just been obtained from outside. Uncertainty, doubt, confusion, contradiction, contrary to what is on his mind, are signs of cognitive conflict. This research aimed at revealing the influence of cognitive conflict instruction on students’ understanding of heat concept at five schools in Lamongan; SMP negeri 1 Pucuk, SMP Negeri 1 Lamongan, SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan, SMP Negeri 1 Sukodadi dan SMP Negeri 2 Sukodadi. Wrong misconceptions of the concept will have a negative impact on subsequent scientific concepts, so it needs treatment to avoid it more and more misconceptions. The misconception will result in students experiencing repeated errors for concepts at the next level. This study aims to describe students’ misconceptions about the heat material in class VII Junior High School. The data collection tool in this research was in the form of optional diagnostic tests double with four alternative answers, open reasons, accompanied by a level of confidence. Research result showed that there is a misconception in the understanding of heat material that is equal to 40%. Many students’ misconceptions occur in concepts related to the relationship between temperatures with heat changes in the form of substances.

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