
The main topic of this article is to study a class of graph modification problems. A typical graph modification problem takes as input a graph G, a positive integer k and the objective is to add/delete k vertices (edges) so that the resulting graph belongs to a particular family, $$\mathcal F$$ , of graphs. In general the family $$\mathcal F$$ is defined by forbidden subgraph/minor characterization. In this paper rather than taking a structural route to define $$\mathcal F$$ , we take algebraic route. More formally, given a fixed positive integer r, we define $$\mathcal{F}_r$$ as the family of graphs where for each $$G\in \mathcal{F}_r$$ , the rank of the adjacency matrix of G is at most r. Using the family $$\mathcal{F}_r$$ we initiate algorithmic study, both in classical and parameterized complexity, of following graph modification problems: $$r$$ -Rank Vertex Deletion, $$r$$ -Rank Edge Deletion and $$r$$ -Rank Editing. These problems generalize the classical Vertex Cover problem and a variant of the d -Cluster Editing problem. We first show that all the three problems are NP-Complete. Then we show that these problems are fixed parameter tractable (FPT) by designing an algorithm with running time $$2^{\mathcal{O}(k \log r)}n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}$$ for $$r$$ -Rank Vertex Deletion, and an algorithm for $$r$$ -Rank Edge Deletion and $$r$$ -Rank Editing running in time $$2^{\mathcal{O}(f(r) \sqrt{k} \log k )}n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}$$ . We complement our FPT result by designing polynomial kernels for these problems.

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