
In this paper we continue our study of graph modification problems defined by reducing the rank of the adjacency matrix of the given graph, and extend our results from undirected graphs to modifying the rank of skew-adjacency matrix of oriented graphs. An instance of a graph modification problem takes as input a graph G and a positive integer k, and the objective is to either delete k vertices/edges or edit k edges so that the resulting graph belongs to a particular family $$\mathcal{F}$$ of graphs. Given a fixed positive integer r, we define $$\mathcal{F}_r$$ as the family of oriented graphs where for each $$G\in \mathcal{F}_r$$ , the rank of the skew-adjacency matrix of G is at most r. Using the family $$\mathcal{F}_r$$ we do algorithmic study, both in classical and parameterized complexity, of the following graph modification problems: $$r$$ -Rank Vertex Deletion, $$r$$ -Rank Edge Deletion. We first show that both the problems are NP-Complete. Then we show that these problems are fixed parameter tractable (FPT) by designing an algorithm with running time $$2^{\mathcal{O}(k \log r)}n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}$$ for $$r$$ -Rank Vertex Deletion, and an algorithm for $$r$$ -Rank Edge Deletion running in time $$2^{\mathcal{O}(f(r) \sqrt{k} \log k )}n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}$$ . In addition to our FPT results we design polynomial kernels for these problems. Our main structural result, which is the fulcrum of all our algorithmic results, is that for a fixed integer r the size of any “reduced graph” in $$\mathcal{F}_r$$ is upper bounded by $$3^r$$ . This result is of independent interest and generalizes a similar result of Kotlov and Lovasz regarding reduced oriented graphs of rank r.

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