
The non-configurational geometrization of the electromagnetic field can be realized using the Model of Embedded Spaces (MES). This model assumes the existence of proper 4D space-time manifolds of particles with a nonzero rest mass and declares that physical space-time is the metric result of the dynamic embedding of these manifolds: the value of the partial contribution of the element manifold is determined by element interactions. The space of the model is provided with a Riemann-like geometry, whose differential formalism is described by a generalization of the gradient operator ∂/∂x i → ∂/∂x i + 2u k ∂2/∂x[ i ∂u k ], where u i = dx i /ds is a matter velocity. In the paper, the redshift effect existing in the space of MES is considered, and its electromagnetic component is analyzed. It is shown that for cold matter of the modern Universe this component reduces to a shift in electric fields and is described by the expression $$\Delta {\omega _e}/\omega \simeq \mp \sqrt k \Delta {\varphi _e}/{c^2} = \mp 0.861 \cdot {10^{ - 21}}\Delta {\varphi _e}\left( V \right)$$ , where the potential is measured in volts and the sign must be determined experimentally. Testing of the effect is the “experimentum crusis” for MES.

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