
This paper constitutes a fundamental rederivation of special relativity based on the c‐invariance postulate but independent of the assumption (Einstein [1], Kittel et al [2], Recami [3]), the equivalence principle, homogeneity of space‐time, isotropy of space, group properties and linearity of space‐time transformations or the coincidence of the origins of inertial space‐time frames. The mathematical formalism is simpler than Einstein′s [4] and Recami′s [3]. Whilst Einstein′s subluminal and Recami′s superluminal theories are rederived in this paper by further assuming the equivalence principle and “mathematical inverses” [4,3], this paper derives (independent of these assumptions) with physico‐mathematical motivation an alternate singularity‐free special‐relativistic theory which replaces Einstein′s factor and Recami′s extended‐relativistic factor by , where n equals the value of as |V| → c. In this theory both Newton′s and Einstein′s subluminal theories are experimentally valid on account of negligible terms. This theory implies that non‐zero rest mass luxons will not be detected as ordinary non‐zero rest mass bradyons because of spatial collapse, and non‐zero rest mass tachyons are undetectable because they exist in another cosmos, resulting in a supercosmos of matter, with the possibility of infinitely many such supercosmoses, all moving forward in time. Furthermore this theory is not based on any assumption giving rise to the twin paradox controversy. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of this theory for general relativity.

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