
The article focuses on analyzing the medieval names for the first Sunday after Easter, specifically examining the Latin names and only occasionally including those derived from national languages. The main objective of the study is to identify culturally determined areas of meaning that served as the basis for deriving the different types of names. Linguistic analyses allowed for the identification of three such areas: 1. The Paschal Octave, 2. The Liturgy of Baptism, and 3. The way Sundays were identified in medieval church tradition. The largest number of names were created in the first area (e.g. Dominica Conductus Paschae, Dominica in Octava Paschae,Dominica Clausum Paschae), with only a few emerging in the second (e.g. Dominica in Albis) and third (e.g. DominicQuasimodo) areas.

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