Viewed from a neo-Darwinian perspec-tive, the main function of the metazoanimmune system (IS) is to insure hostintegrity against invading microorganisms,which are only considered as selfishcompetitors that reduce the host’s resourc-es, inflict tissue damage, and ultimatelycompromise host fitness. Coevolution ofthe host and these competitors has beendescribed as a perpetual arms race (knownas the Red Queen hypothesis, Van Valen,[1]). This vision implicitly suggests that‘‘The IS evolved under selective pressureimposed by infectious microorganisms’’(Janeway, [2]) and that the ultimateobjective of the IS is to conserve theintegrity and sterility of the host(Figure 1A). In fact, numerous observa-tions from microbiology and ecology havechallenged this paradigm and suggest thatinfectious organisms and the IS play acrucial, unexpected role in evolution:(i) The immune system performsa large list of ‘‘nonimmuno-logical’’ tasks. Highly conservedcomponents of the innate andadaptive IS of vertebrate are alsoinvolved in processes other thanjust participating in immune re-sponses against invading microor-ganisms. We can take the exampleof phagocytosis, a well-conservedmechanism present in unicellulareukaryotes and all animal metazo-ans [3], that has clearly playedseveral distinct roles during evolu-tion. In amoebae, phagocytosisallows for the internalization ofbacteria that constitute an essentialsource of nutriments. In metazo-ans, this property is mainly limitedto professional phagocytes, such asmacrophages, that target ‘‘altered/dying self’’ particles and occasion-ally invading microorganisms. Byeliminating apoptotic cells, phago-cytosis plays a major role inembryogenesis during tissue re-modeling and in preventing auto-immune reactions. Similarly, com-plement and natural IgM [4]collaborate with phagocytic cells toeliminate apoptotic cells. Likewise,macrophages, generally consideredas immune effector cells, have beenshown to participate in the regula-tion of a growing list of processescrucial for tissue development andhomeostasis, such as neuronal pat-terning, angiogenesis, bone mor-phogenesis,metabolism,andwoundhealing [5]. Thus, highly conservedmolecules,processes,andcellsoftheIS can be ascribed to distinctphysiological functions during evo-lution, with no clear link to patho-gen-imposed selective pressures.(ii) The infectious organism pro-motes host genetic diversity.Genetic variation in natural popu-lations is a prime prerequisite forthe response of populations toselection pressure. In antagonistcoevolution, hosts are selected toevade infection whereas the path-ogen is selected to infect the host.In 1949, Haldane proposed that animportant positive impact of thisphenomenon is the maintenance ofhigh genetic diversity among bothhost and pathogen populations:‘‘Just because of its rarity it willbe resistant to diseases whichattack the majority of its fellows.’’This hypothesis has since beenlargely confirmed [6,7]. A recentstudy even suggests that pathogenshave a higher impact on humangenetic diversity than climate con-ditions [8].(iii) Infection favors free circula-tion of genetic innovations.The sequencing of whole genomeshas demonstrated that symbioticmicroorganism interactions favorhorizontal genetic transfers (HGT)and thus the rapid spread in manylineages of genetic innovations thatwould have otherwise taken mil-lions of years [9]. A fascinatingexample demonstrating that infec-tion can contribute to biologicalinnovation is the acquisition byhost vertebrates of recombinase-activating genes (RAGs) [10] andSyncitin [11] genes from viruses.These viral genes have allowed fordevelopment of the adaptive ISand the syncytiotrophoblast, re-spectively. Thus, infectious organ-isms appear to have been essentialduring evolution to maintain di-versity and allow free circulation ofgenes by HGT, transforming the‘‘tree of life’’ proposed by neo-Darwinian theories into a dynamicand interconnected ‘‘net of life.’’(iv) Chronic infection can im-prove host resistance to infec-tion. Infectious organisms are inconstant competition with otherinfectious organisms to invadeand persist in their specific host (aform of ‘‘apparent competition’’).They can compete together bycross-reacting with the host im-
Viewed from a neo-Darwinian perspective, the main function of the metazoan immune system (IS) is to insure host integrity against invading microorganisms, which are only considered as selfish competitors that reduce the host’s resources, inflict tissue damage, and compromise host fitness
The sequencing of whole genomes as immune effector cells, have been shown to participate in the regulahas demonstrated that symbiotic microorganism interactions favor tion of a growing list of processes horizontal genetic transfers (HGT)
Highly conserved example demonstrating that infecmolecules, processes, and cells of the tion can contribute to biological
Laboratoire de Parasitologie, Facultede Medecine, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium. This structure can be mobile (slug), allowing for better resistance to predation and migration to new territories, or fixed (fruiting body), allowing for the production and dissemination of spores These examples illustrate how prokaryotic and eukaryotic unicellular organisms can build consortia that promote cell differentiation and task specialization. Metazoans can be viewed as stabilized consortia of social unicellular eukaryotes in association with a complex viral, bacterial, and fungal flora This flora, termed the microbiota, is essential to the metabolism of various nutrients, the development and regulation of the IS, and the fight against infection by competition [24,25,26]. As the composition of these consortia is dynamic and transmitted vertically to the generation, they display partial Lamarckian properties, as discussed in detail by Rosenberg [31]
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