
It stands out that computers and educational software may be tools for the teaching and learning processes. In the face of that, this research aims to analyze the potentials of computer simulators in the teaching and learning processes through a transversal approach on the theme of Glasshouse Effect. The activity was developed with a class of students from the 2nd year of the Industrial Automation Technical Course – Integrated form, for the subject of Physics II at the Federal Institute for Education, Science and Technology in Rio Grande do Sul IFSul/Camaqua Campus. The proposal adopted as a basis the presumptions of a qualitative research with exploratory bias and methodological outlining of a case study. The results are discussed in the light of Ausubel’s significance learning theory. It is possible to highlight that there has been a significant evolution in students’ knowledge of the theme covered. Thus, it can be assumed that the Physics Education Technology (PhET) simulator has potential to aid in the teaching and learning process.

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