This research is motivated by the process of recruitment, selection, and retention of human resources in implementing the SUSENAS program at the Central Statistics Agency of the City of Lubuklinggau. The purpose of this study was to determine the process of implementing the SUSENAS program through recruitment, selection, and retention at the Lubuklinggau Central Statistics Agency. This study uses qualitative methods, the informants in this study are BPS employees of Lubuklinggau City, field officers, and the people of Lubuklinggau City, so that the sample obtained in this study amounted to 13 respondents. Data collection techniques in this study are documentation techniques and interviews. The data analysis technique used is the SWOT analysis. The results show that development achievements are the main data source for policymakers in planning national development, one of which is through the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) which is the main support for meeting the needs of the government in implementing national development in line with the National Medium-Term Development Plan, to planning, monitoring, and evaluating, as well as measuring the accountability of development and public welfare, namely through the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), is a Non-Departmental Government Institution in Indonesia that has duties based on Presidential Decree No. 103/2001 concerning Position, Duties, Functions, Authority, Organizational Structure, and Work Procedure of non-Departmental Government Institutions, carry out government duties in the field of statistical activities in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. in the process of recruitment, selection, and retention on the implementation of the national socio-economic program in the Lubuklinggau municipal statistics body, the writer can conclude that the Lubuklinggau City Central Statistics Agency seeks qualified, disciplined, and responsible field officers so that the resulting data is of high quality. Constraints encountered in implementing the national socio-economic census program (SUSENAS) on recruitment, selection, and retention of human resources at the Lubuklinggau municipal statistical body are fluctuations where prospective officers who do not meet the needs of the public interest who are less interested in becoming field officers due to lack of promotion from the field of statistics. Central Agency for Statistics of the City of Lubuklinggau.)
This study is a qualitative study using the Evaluative method, to see how the author can find out Recruitment, Selection and Retention of Human Resources in Implementing the National Socio-Economic Census Progra m (SUSENAS) at the Lubuklinggau City Statistics Agency
Documentation Study is a tec hnique for collecting data and studying written documents and materials and other materials related to researc h problems in the research object. In this case the writer seeks and studies documents relating to the focus of t he problem under study, namely Recruitment, Selection, Retention of Human Resources at the Lubuklinggau City Statistics Center
This chapter will describe the findings research findings based on the data description above, obtained a description of the Recruitment, Selection and Retention of Human Resources in the Implementation of the National Socio-Economic Census Program (SUSENAS) at the Lubuklinggau City Central Statistics Agency
In the era of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Data Revolution, and Big Data as it is information on development achievements is the main data source for policy makers in planning national development. From the results of the researchers obtained information about the lack of understanding of the task due to the recruitment of officers bound in a contract for one month, often problems occur such as the resignation of each field officer for various reasons, the accuracy of the results of the data can be influenced by factors in the implementation of non-compliance in the field such as the policy in determining the qualification standards for officers is due to the lack of promotion of the Lubuklinggau City Central Statistics Agency to the public, the community's interest to become a census officer is very poor because the number of officers is not in accordance with the area and geographical location which is difficult to reach as well as the difficulty in achieving places so there is a overlap between target achievement with implementation time so that many officers manipulate data, based on the implementation of the training of prospective census officers not according to the schedule that should be and still lack of supervision and inspector of field officers For this reason, the recruitment of Susenas officers is done by BPS in Lubuklinggau City by selecting partner officers who are considered to have good performance while serving as BPS partner officers
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