
The Mediterranean basin is considered one of the most important biodiversity hotspots. This extraordinary richness originates mainly from thousands of years of human activities that deeply modified the landscape. Safeguarding the so-called cultural landscapes plays a key role in biodiversity conservation. In this paper we present the results of our monitoring of the effects of the life project “Preservation of mountain grasslands of the Tuscan Apennines”, mainly characterized by shrub-cutting actions, on bird populations in the Pratomagno pasture, one of the two areas where the project was implemented, a SPA in eastern Tuscany. The monitoring plan covers a period of 5 years. We tested the effects of shrub clearing on a series of bird community parameters, such as abundance and richness of common species and of some ecological guilds. We also tested the timing of the response to the interventions (immediate or drawn out over time). Our results show a dramatic decrease of birds associated with shrubland, while there were no important increases in grassland species, with the sole exception of Woodlark. Regardless of their positive or negative effects, our results show different response times for individual species or groups of species. Moreover, species with a bad regional conservation status increased less than those with a good one. Broadly speaking, these results suggest that the efficacy of such projects depends on a careful preliminary assessment of a number of aspects, encompassing the nature of the interventions themselves and the characteristics of the target sites, but also the type of response of target species and the conservation status of target populations.

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