
This paper investigates the evolving landscape of research methodologies in the social sciences, focusing on the renewed interest in post-positivism amid growing dissatisfaction with strictly quantitative approaches. The study traces the experiences of a junior social work researcher struggling with paradigm identification, ultimately finding alignment with the adaptable and inclusive nature of post-positivism. By highlighting post-positivism's shift from a rigid quest for absolute truths to an emphasis on interactive dialogue and continuous learning, this research enriches the methodological discourse. The examination of post-positivism’s nuanced ontological, epistemological, and axiological perspectives underscores the significance of reflexivity and critical engagement in research. The study advocates for integrating qualitative and quantitative methods within the post-positivist paradigm to address complex social issues more effectively. It emphasizes the pivotal role of junior researchers in contributing to paradigm discussions and advancing the field, particularly in the scholarship of teaching and learning. By revisiting the post-positivist paradigm, this research encourages graduate students and emerging scholars to critically examine and understand the epistemological foundations that shape knowledge production. This exploration not only enriches their research but also equips them with essential skills for engaging with varied perspectives and advancing scholarly discourse.<p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/soc/0777/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

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